Navigating life after weight loss surgery in Fort Worth, Texas

Embarking on a journey to a healthier you. Discover how diet and life after bariatric surgery can transform your future.

Choosing weight loss surgery at Wise Health Clinics isn't just a commitment to the procedure itself; it's a pledge to ongoing, dedicated follow-up care. Our team of specialists collaborates closely with My Bariatric Solutions® to support you throughout your journey towards achieving and sustaining your health objectives.

What to expect after weight loss surgery

It’s imperative that you understand what to expect in life after bariatric surgery and are committed to maintaining a healthy postoperative lifestyle. These lifestyle changes include adopting a sensible diet and exercise plan and meeting with the doctor regularly after surgery in order to enjoy optimal weight loss results. The team at Wise Health Clinics has created a comprehensive guide to help you monitor your progress.

Nutrition after bariatric surgery

Prior to surgery, your surgeon will instruct you to make certain dietary changes so that the procedure can be successful.

The types of post-surgical changes you need to make depend on the type of weight loss surgery you have. In most cases, you will need to eat a liquid diet temporarily and then slowly transition to solid foods. You should also make permanent changes to your diet, including:

  • Less sugar and soda
  • Less frequent snacks
  • More whole foods
  • Smaller portions

Because one of the effects of weight loss surgery is a decreased appetite, it won’t be as difficult to make these changes as it would have been before the procedure.

Behavioral changes after bariatric surgery

In order to keep the weight off, you also need to make certain behavioral changes that affect the way you live on a daily basis. Recommended behavioral changes include:

  • Cooking nutritious meals at home instead of eating out
  • Drinking a greater amount of water each day
  • Taking the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator
  • Walking from one place to as much as possible instead of driving

For the best results, life after bariatric surgery should include as many of these changes as possible. To make the process easier on everyone, consider discussing your intended lifestyle changes with friends and family before the procedure.

Lifelong bariatric support

It is very important to attend your scheduled follow-up visits; this is crucial to the evaluation of your health and necessary to achieving your weight loss goals. The required follow-up visit pattern after bariatric surgery is as follows:

  • Week one: Initial post-operative evaluation and physician evaluation; psychological and nutritional follow up as needed
  • Three months: Diet assessment, assessment of compliance with vitamins and exercise; blood work, psychological follow-up visits as needed
  • Six months: Physician evaluation and blood work
  • Twelve months: Physician evaluation and yearly blood work
  • Yearly for life: Physician evaluation

Skipping office visits may impact your weight loss surgery's success. Consistent long-term follow-up care is essential for optimal results.

Postoperative lab testing

Labs are a routine part of the postoperative process, typically conducted at your three, six, and twelve-month follow-ups. Additional interim labs may be requested in special cases. The reason for frequent lab testing lies in the changes that occur after bariatric surgery. Your eating habits change, and it's vital to ensure you're receiving enough protein, vitamins, minerals and fluids.

Labs provide a comprehensive snapshot of your nutritional and overall health, indicating whether you're receiving sufficient protein and nutrients. Regular lab tests also enable early identification and management of deficiencies which prevents potential future health complications. After your 12-month follow-up, appointments are typically annual.

Setting successful goals

Achieving lasting success after bariatric surgery relies on setting realistic and meaningful goals. It's essential to recognize that weight loss doesn't happen overnight; it's a gradual process. Here, we provide essential guidance on how to establish goals that will contribute to your long-term health and wellness.

  • Avoid daily weigh-ins; aim to step on the scale once a week.
  • Create a diet and exercise log to help keep you more accountable.
  • Divide your weight loss goals into smaller, achievable milestones.
  • Exercise with family and friends to make it more fun.
  • Prepare your meals in advance to avoid making unhealthy last-minute choices.

On your path toward a healthier and happier life after weight loss surgery, remember that success is not just a destination; it's a continuous journey. By making informed choices, embracing a balanced lifestyle, and staying committed to your well-being, you're on the path to long-lasting transformation. Your medical team at Wise Health Clinics and support network are here for you every step of the way.